Fiverr is a Israeli website which is an online marketplace for Freelancers. Fiverr is basically a website where a Freelancer meets a Client . So here we have two words Freelancer and Client , Let's discuss there terms one by one after which we would be able to understand how Fiverr Works.
Freelancer : A freelancer is someone who has acquired some skills i.e he is good in doing some particular work , be it editing videos , be it programming , be it being good at handling social media profiles anything . Freelancer will offer his services in Fiverr through Gigs .
Client: A Client is someone who is looking for services like video editor , sound specialist etc . So a Client goes through Fiverr to check whether there is someone who can help him with his tasks or not. Client can get these services through Buying Gigs that were offered by Freelancers in Fiverr. In this way Client gets his desired services and Freelancer gets rewarded with the money for his work.
Best Paying Gigs in Fiverr in 2022 :
1) NFT Designing: NFT denotes Non-Fungible token and are unique . These days there is a demand and supply issue in the NFT designing where there is huge demand of NFT creators but actually the number of designers are less. There is huge chance that your gig will rank high in these categories and it is worth a try.
2) Twitch Emotes : Twitch emotes are small emoji-like icons that you can use in any Twitch streamer's chat room. Twitch streamers with enough viewers can upload their own custom emotes for subscribers to use. This gig is for Graphic Designers , who are professional enough in their work that they can deliver something which users are intrested in buying.
By the time of writing this article , there are many searches of Twitch Emotes in Fiverr , but number of active gigs is less that 3500 , which means competition is pretty low.
3)Social Media Manager: Through the advancement of internet , we daily have number of creators/influencers entering the social media platform. A content creator always want to have a good looking Social media reputation , be it Facebook or be it Instagram.
Competition on this gig is slightly on a higher side as this is one of the best paying freelance gig.
If you are someone who can deliver these critical skills of handling and managing social media account of a content creator , then this gig is for you.
4)Content Writer: Since there are so many creators/influencers emerging almost daily in social media community , this is very important for a content writer to provide a valuable content to it's audience , thinking of a great content yourself and on a regular basis can be a challenging task for some and therefore everyone in their time willl need a content writer.
These days content writing gig is one of the top rated gigs in Fiverr , where there is more demand of content writers but number of actual good content writer is very small . If you are someone who can take this challenging task , then you are welcome to come and try this amazing gig out!
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